When retirement is quickly drawing near and you’ve planned a great deal on how to manage finances, is there any room left for dental care?

Avia Dental Plans says yes.

With low cost dental discount plans available, retirees can sign up and enjoy as much as 50% off the original rack rates at in-network dental care providers without any wait times or medical tests needed for approval.

What Are Some Dental Health Challenges Faced by Seniors?

Planning for good dental care is challenging today, because:

  • Many Seniors Are On a Fixed Income and Struggle With Rising Costs of Living
  • Medicare Does Not Cover Dental Health Expenses
  • Medicare Advantage Typically Pays for Routine Cleaning and Exams Only

Dental Health Solutions for Seniors

Despite these challenges, there are some solutions that retirees may want to consider. These include:

  • VA Benefits – If you are a former veteran, consider the VA Dental Care Program, which offers services to military personnel at a sliding scale fee.
  • Health Savings Accounts – Monies invested in these accounts can be utilized for out-of-pocket dental expenses.
  • Local Clinics – Research local dental clinics in your area that offer low cost dental plans for low-income members.
  • Dental Schools – To provide students with real-world experience, many institutions offer free dental care to volunteer patients. These services are always supervised by a credentialed dental care professional.

Finding Greener Pastures

If none of these solutions are your cup of tea, consider enrolling in one of our no-hassle individual dental plans at Avia Dental.

As suggested earlier, low-cost dental plans like those offered by this platform allow you to get considerable markdowns on routine, cosmetic, and complex dental procedures. Whether you need a filling or a crown, permanent dentures or cleaning, there are no limits on the savings in store when you enroll.

More Perks: Vision and Prescription Discounts

In addition to benefiting from discounts on dental care, members of Avia Dental Plans also get access to vision and prescription price cuts, too.

Maintain a Healthy Smile for Life

You’ve maintained your standard of living your whole life, so why stop now? Upon retiring, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor rather than sweating about how to pay for basic dental care. Avia Dental Plans can help with our low cost retiree dental plans.

To sign up for Avia Dental Plans, visit the website or call (888) 431-CARE 2273.